Welcome to River Delta

Partnerships for a more equitable future

We partner exclusively with non-profits, local governments, and schools providing a robust array of services aimed at helping your organization succeed in the digital world. Local governments and nonprofits are too often overlooked by service design and digital transformation efforts. We work alongside organizations at every step, providing expertise and support for a range of problems. We help identify the best course of action, even if that isn't with us.

Our services

We recognize that too many Our services include: funding opportunity support, user research, digital and service design, and software development.

Our Zero Profit model

company, our focus is reducing costs to partners and providing the best service without costily waste and overhead. Community and self-sufficiency drive our partnerships. We look forward to partnering with you to build a better future - a more equitable future.

Our team

We are a group of women who connected over our shared disappointment in traditional digital consultancies and were dedicated to imagining a meaningful and alternative.